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Top 5 National Parks to Visit in June

James Nichols |

June is a perfect month for exploring the breathtaking beauty of America's national parks. The weather is warming up, flowers are in full bloom, and wildlife is more active. Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or planning your first visit, here are the top five national parks to visit in June.

1. Yosemite National Park, California

Why June?

Yosemite is a paradise in June. The waterfalls are at their peak flow from the melting snow, and the park's famous wildflowers are blooming across meadows and valleys.

Must-See Spots:

  • Yosemite Falls: The highest waterfall in North America is a sight to behold.
  • Glacier Point: Offers panoramic views of Yosemite Valley, Half Dome, and the High Sierra peaks.
  • Mariposa Grove: Home to over 500 mature giant sequoias.


  • Arrive early to beat the crowds.
  • Take advantage of the park’s shuttle system to reduce traffic congestion.

2. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee/North Carolina

Why June?

Known for its biodiversity, the Smokies are lush and vibrant in June. The synchronous fireflies put on a mesmerizing light show, making it a unique time to visit.

Must-See Spots:

  • Clingmans Dome: The highest point in the park, offering incredible vistas.
  • Cades Cove: A scenic valley with abundant wildlife viewing opportunities.
  • Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail: A beautiful, winding drive through the forest with historical sites along the way.


  • Reserve your spot early for the firefly viewing.
  • Pack layers as temperatures can vary with elevation.

3. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Why June?

The majestic Tetons are stunning in June with snow-capped peaks, blooming wildflowers, and plenty of wildlife sightings, including bears and moose.

Must-See Spots:

  • Jenny Lake: Perfect for hiking, boating, and stunning reflections of the Teton Range.
  • Schwabacher Landing: Ideal for sunrise photography.
  • Snake River Overlook: Made famous by Ansel Adams, it’s a must-visit for iconic views.


  • Bear spray is essential for safety.
  • Book accommodations in advance as lodges fill up quickly.

4. Acadia National Park, Maine

Why June?

Acadia offers mild weather and fewer crowds in June, along with beautiful coastal scenery and diverse outdoor activities.

Must-See Spots:

  • Cadillac Mountain: The highest point on the East Coast, perfect for sunrise views.
  • Jordan Pond: Known for its crystal-clear waters and the famous Jordan Pond House popovers.
  • Park Loop Road: A scenic drive that covers many of the park's highlights.


  • Rent a bike to explore the Carriage Roads.
  • Tide pools at low tide reveal fascinating marine life.

5. Olympic National Park, Washington

Why June?

Olympic’s diverse ecosystems shine in June, from temperate rainforests to alpine peaks and rugged coastline. The weather is generally pleasant, making it an ideal time to explore.

Must-See Spots:

  • Hoh Rain Forest: Walk the Hall of Mosses trail to experience the lush, green forest.
  • Hurricane Ridge: Offers panoramic mountain views and wildflower meadows.
  • Rialto Beach: With its dramatic sea stacks and tide pools, it's perfect for a beach hike.


  • Prepare for varied weather; layers are crucial.
  • Check tide schedules for beach exploration.

Final Thoughts

June is an exceptional time to visit these national parks, each offering its own unique beauty and activities. Remember to respect the natural environment, stay on marked trails, and pack out what you pack in. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to have an unforgettable adventure.

Happy exploring!